board training

board training

In order for a nonprofit to fully realize its mission, it must have a high-functioning board. Too often, however, the full potential of a board is never fully realized. This may be a result of not having the right people in the right places, or it may be a lack of clarity around role and authority.

Tapping into our broad array of experiences as both nonprofit board members and senior leaders in the sector, we will help to parse through your current board governance approach to identify ways to strengthen how you structure and engage your board leadership. We love to work with boards that draw from the community that your nonprofit seeks to serve, as we believe in the power of EVERYONE to serve.

Tharseō works best with leaders who are ready to open themselves up to new ways of thinking and doing. We bring a fresh perspective and solutions-orientation that can help you elevate your approach and strengthen organizational outcomes.

Just click "Book" to schedule time for us to discuss what Tharseō might be able to do for you.

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